Sense. Order. Simplicity.


PureSpace is a home-organizing company with a new definition of SOS. Sense, Order. Simplicity. Need your house staged for resale? Unpacking and setting up a new home? Want to de-clutter your kitchen or basement? PureSpace is here to help. Maybe you're searching for ways to make order out of chaos, recalibrate fengshui, turn a room into a sanctuary. Or maybe you really just want to clean out a closet. The ultimate goal is the same: a simplified and productive life. And it all starts with a pure space.


Pamela Mitchell

Owner Pamela Mitchell’s natural-born organizing skills have informed her career and her life. Throughout her years as an editor of magazines and books, she applied her organizational know-how to her work: delivering monthly publications on deadline, executing projects with order and precision, managing staff with diplomacy and aplomb, and creating workflow systems that boosted efficiency. With an eye towards gaining the most results along the path of least resistance and by economizing time, space, and resources, she has organized and designed everything from test kitchens and workspaces to the words on a page. This expertise started in her youth, when she showed an inherent knack for stacking, packing, classifying, arranging, staging, styling, sorting, filing, shedding, shredding, managing, directing, designing, decorating. Now she’s combined all of these talents into a home-organizing service that offers peace of mind to others. Her motto: A pure space inspires harmony and soothes the soul.