Pamela’s planning and vision made it possible for me to move from one large family residence to two new homes—one local, the other out-of-state. The complexity of detail could have been overwhelming, but Pamela’s management and perseverance made the whole process proceed smoothly. I was amazed! She was involved in every aspect: from identifying each piece of furniture and marking it with its destination to later accepting the goods when they arrived at their new homes. She was also instrumental in organizing and settling us in at the new residences, where she found the right place for everything. Both her computer savvy and organizational skills were creative and impressive. She kept a master calendar of deadlines. She covered appointments with movers, cleaners, the shredding company, and so on. Her clarity of mind allowed for all details to be precisely attended to, absolutely nothing was overlooked or forgotten. She steered me through the constant decision-making process that a move is. I felt protected and cared for. I will be forever grateful to her for maintaining my sanity and making this huge job painless. My recommendation is of the highest merit! —Jacquie Giorgi, Park Slope, Brooklyn


My daughter called PureSpace when I was struggling with the decision to downsize from a spacious house I had shared for many years with my husband of 54 years. Intellectually, it was appropriate to move to a more manageable space after my husband had died, given my age and painful arthritis. But I had so many happy memories, not to mention a plethora of “things.” Pamela Mitchell, principal and owner of PureSpace, stepped in at just right moment. She walked through my old house, asked me what were my most favorite furniture pieces, artwork, books, and memorabilia. Gently yet firmly, she adeptly purged and pared. In a month, I was comfortably moved in to my new home, surrounded by my most favorite things. What started as a painful decision turned into a happy beginning. —Alison Carter, Old Lyme, CT 

During my long tenure as Test Kitchen Director at Food & Wine magazine, I benefitted directly from the planning skills of Pamela Mitchell. In addition to her fulltime role as an editor, she set up a Cookbook Library adjacent to the test kitchen. Turning messy stacks of randomly deposited books into a well-organized library was a boon to the day-to-day operations of the magazine. We now had categories broken down by cuisine, course, chef, and so on. No one else had taken on the job, but to Pamela, it was an affront to see those piles, and she was compelled to make order out of chaos. Pamela is an expert at managing multiple projects simultaneously, and while this went on, how did she always maintain a neat office and uncluttered desk? —Diana Sturgis, food consultant and former Test Kitchen Director, Food & Wine Magazine, NYC

Your visit was amazing—really helpful. Now I can picture how all these spaces can work for me. Great suggestions: indoor clothes line, slim hangers! And your list of practical reminders is great. And the follow-up notes you sent are so thorough and well-organized in themselves. Thanks again for all your time and enthusiasm and insights.Kathy McCullagh, Park Slope, Brooklyn

Pamela did an outstanding job organizing my kitchen. I’d just renovated and now had many more cabinets, but no idea where to put stuff. Pamela got to work instantly and solved the puzzle. She created different zones so I could work efficiently and enjoyably: the baking station, the pantry, cleanup area, and so on. All related utensils had the proper cabinet/shelf/drawer that was within easy reach. What I loved was that she even figured out what to do about those pesky problems like where to store giant pots and how to keep appliances from cluttering countertops. Pamela’s productiveness and speed were fantastic. Plus, Pamela is so fun to spend time with. I love to cook, and now, with my new organized space, even more so!Kate Cooper, Piedmont, CA

Pamela Mitchell was Executive Food Editor and I was Test Kitchen Director at the launch of Every Day with Rachael Ray Magazine. Together we were responsible for the build-out of a brand new test kitchen. We planned the layout of the space with the architect. That’s when I realized Pamela’s fine-tuned attention to detail as an editor directly correlated to spatial organization. She thought of everything from vertical storage racks for all our sheet pans to hideaway stepstools for kitchen staff to reach higher shelves. She created alphabetized spice racks and a zone for dirty linens. She even insisted on a two-way drawer system with duplicate contents so testers working at the kitchen island could save time by pulling the drawers open from either side. No inch of space was overlooked or wasted. Thanks to Pamela’s foresight, planning, and ingenuity, we ended up with a super-efficient, highly functional showcase kitchen. —Tracey Seaman, cookbook author and former Test Kitchen Director at Every Day with Rachael Ray Magazine, NYC